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What's a crazy night!

Despite all the "unlucky things", it was a wonderful night with my cute and sexy friends!!!

Episode 1

Ha, talking abt the unlucky things...hmm... it could be quite impossible that the first club we went was closed! What??? What kind of club could be closed at Thursday??!! Anyway, since we already did our make-up perfectly and finally could meet Bre, we decided to find another one!!

Episode 2

"Taxi!" We jumped into a cab and went across to the other side of Taipei city. "Here we are." The taxi driver told us. And yes, we did saw many ppl there, but it's not the one we wanted! Mr. driver, r u kidding us??? U know what?! After 15 min waliking in high heel shoes and keeping asking, we finally got the answer! The club we wanna go is UNDER CONSTRUCTION--that is REARRANGE!!!WTH~~~

Episode 3

Well, the situation was really provoking, so we made our minds immediately that we MUST go clubing TORNIGHT no matter what!! Then we back to the one with a long queue. WE waited in line and chated.

Pin said," omg, what's wrong with us tonight?? not our day!!"

Bian replied, "yeah~ maybe we will hv so-called police check togight..."

Pin, "gosh, hope it won't happen!"

Episode 4

Finally, we drank some and had some dance. Then again we were in the queue, the drink-waiting-line this time. With some dizzy, we looked at the pool- a lot of ppl dancing, raising their hands and shaking with the VJ. Suddenly, someone lighted up the light, music stopped and u could see clearly the ppl u danced with or even u flirted with (that means now u got the chance to CORRECT your choice, ha :p). Before we figured out the situation, I saw the police! Okay, correctly is group of plice! Good!!! What is 一語成讖, I think I know it quite well now... To be honest, I even imagined that we were all taken back to the police station and forced to do the urine test...

God bless us!!

Episode 5

Eventually, we enjoyed drinking and dancing a looooooooooooot:) And there came a guy who followed us til the end. He even went out with us when we told him that we wanna go home already. However, when we got out, he first let us sit on the rode side and he disappeared for a while. When we chatted joyfully and teased at Bre who have go to work quite early the next day, suddenly, we saw the guy back with 5 SAUSAGES!! hahahah...unfortunately, Bre was not hungry, me is an vegetarian(kind of), and Bian(i dunno actually) we all just refused his KINDNESS. The next moment, we all got up saying goodbye and got into a cab IMMEDIATELY.

Bre remided us right away (the moment she close the door), "hey, is that the guy still hold 5 SAUSAGES in his hand?!"


Btw, I really love all u girls, xoxo



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