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  • Feb 07 Sun 2010 15:08
  • 舊日

amy winehouse 渾厚的嗓音又讓我想起那個新加坡悶熱的下午,從hall 5看出去整片的烏雲壟罩著整個城市/國家,緊接著是轟隆隆的聲響,傾盆大雨,洗淨一切後的微風徐徐。

很久沒開啟amy winehouse,避免老是想起那個無負擔的日子,再對照著如今被禁錮在這個稱做社會的大枷鎖中,如此,渴望自由。


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I never feel like be a such a good student just like these days...

Why?? How come?? U may follow by this question.

First, I'm a student who was very PICKY. That means I dun like to study what I dun hv interest on, such as SCIENCE, which ranked as my no.1 enemy. But guess what? I STARTED to find some material for learning some knowledge in this field, yeah yeah what I hv to admit that's just some baaaaaaasic knowledge maybe just for junior high student:p


This is whta I found on YOUTUBE, can say he is a astronomy expert who answer questions to his friend's students. And I promise that if you are just like me, almost know nothing abt science, then u must check out this website cuz the guy is really good. Thanks to him, i can save some time to memorize those astronomy jargons just by heart.

Btw, two days before, I attended a seminar which inspired me quite a lot. It's abt use the new technologies especially on line resources to help student's learning process. Meanwhile, the professor even gave some examples of "new stuff" on-line. She's not only use those resources in teaching also in connecting with her children, fancy mammy, right?!

Here is a video she show us, something after watching may arouse your desire to go on a trip,hehe:D


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